Thread: Guiding woes
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Old 29-03-2012, 04:08 PM
cfranks (Charles)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Tungkillo, South Australia
Posts: 599
You are correct Stuart, I did some more measurements last night and the errors in the image are in the RA axis. Sorry for the confusion. I tried to perform a Drift align and, following a star on the Meridian + ~ Equator, there was a significant drift to the East in RA with a very slight drift in DEC. The TPoint Model said the MX was 0.5 clicks out in Az. and 0.0 out in El. but I adjusted the MX Azimuth anyway and the star eventually didn't move in DEC over a period of 30 minutes. Moved to East and 20 deg up but got confused on how to read the EW NS drift. I crudely adjusted the MX in Elev and subsequent images were better although there was still significant X and Y variation in guiding corrections. The stars were much better but still out-of-round, slightly triangular if anything.
I agree the focus isn't spot on but I have had that concern since I bought the RC10C. I use FocusMax so if anyone has a better solution I would love to hear it.
Paul, you are correct, I was using CCDSoft and had some really wierd problems last night with the guiding camera, ST-i, so I did switch to Maxim but still had the guiding variations. They were less than the previous time and never exceeded 1.2 pixels but still more than Greg thinks should be. I have not yet installed my SQM-LE so I don't know what the seeing was like but feel that was the cause of the guiding variations.
The camera is clamped on to the empty, but still rigid, SX-AO-LF body as the innards are in the UK at the doctors. I've just heard they have been fixed and should be on the way back soon. There doesn't seem to be a way to screw the AO into both the QSI and the 'scope, one side finishes up using a clamp.
I am really grateful that there are SB users and QSI users these days. It is great to get such good advice. I must say though, last night there was very nearly one less!
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