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Old 11-08-2015, 06:22 PM
Tropo-Bob (Bob)
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Tropo-Bob is offline
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I tried to be a bit more accurate tonight, and estimate that Venus set at 6.06:40 give or take 5 seconds. (I lost too much time putting my reading glasses on!)

Venus moved a little to the right again this evening (as in real life, not left as it appeared with the star diagonal), so this means that it is moving north.

It still set behind the tree and really only a fraction to right of where it set last night. This surprised me, as I cheated and looked up Venus's coordinates and I was expecting it to move a significant amount to the north this evening.

It struck me tonight that the angle of the planet's phase is shifting. I estimated the angle to be about 50 to 60 degrees with respect to the horizon, so I will attempt to see if this changes in the next few days.

This was the first evening when I was not able to detect Venus visually with the naked eye.

I hope my luck holds with the weather.

Can anybody tell me what the separation between the Sun & Venus will be at Inferior Conjunction.
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