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Old 09-05-2008, 08:54 PM
Ian Robinson
Registered User

Ian Robinson is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Gateshead
Posts: 2,205
When I purchase my autoguider , I will use it , but only if I plan on doing long lens or prime focus photos , or track a comet say.

The Atlux has pretty good tracking precision with PEC on and when polar aligned properly.

I think it comes down to how much tracking error is acceptable taking into account focal length , the object (fuzzys are more forgiving) , and when I start using the DSLR , the pixcel size (keeping the tracking error within less than a pixcel).

When my Atlux arrives (it's ordered costing me 6682 AUD) , if it proves as good as I hear it is , I should be able get away without autoguiding most the time unless I do the imaging at prime focus (on the 10' f/4.66 newt) , I may even be able to get away without autoguiding with the 70-200mm f/2.8 telezoom (at 200mm) when that shows up with the 40D or with my older 200mm f/3.5 on the XD5 (35mm SLR).

I can see I have some theoretical numbers to crunch to come with my own WHEN TO AUTOGUIDE GUIDELINES CHART.
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