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Old 28-11-2020, 10:30 AM
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leee (Thomas)
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leee is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Atwater,CA.USA
Posts: 101

You are saying --- In order to preserve making a Small Lens Cap (for example) they will Pick up the shipping ---
From the plant in China, to the airline, to Australia, to the truck, to the Distribution Center, to the Truck, to the Post office, to your Home ??
Australian Post Office is not picking up the Tab, so China must be paying Australian post Office ? --- Just to keep an Australian entrepreneur from producing ?
If I were CEO of this Lens Cap item. I would say "this is costing me way too much money. Let them produce it - at 30 times the cost. Then let them also pay for the shipping etc. " Won't happen. It will cost China one penny to produce this Cap, it will cost Australia, US and Europe 30x time that amount. Then they will still have to ship it. Won't happen.
BUT. if Australia, US, and Europe will cut our (China) shipping rates by a factor of 10. We will continue making these Lens Caps and deliver them for free. Let the citizens of Australia, US and Europe[e -- subsidize us. (China) True, they are dumping them here - but that is because we are helping to pick up the tab.
That's what I am thinking.
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