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Old 17-05-2012, 09:50 AM
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PRejto (Peter)
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Need ome Help with my PMX/Camera

I'm too new at this to totally understand what to do next, or if there really is anything wrong. I've been through many many T-Point routines with my PMX and I attach he latest effort from last night....a run of nearly 200 points. This is prime focus on my TEC140 and a Moravian 2-8300 CCD.

I'm noticing that during the T-Point run I am getting noticable trailing on even 5 sec images. It doesn't always happen and seems random. I guess it might have something to do with the mount having just stopped slewing and immediately taking a photo; perhaps the tracking has not settled down. But, this behavior seems new and I don't recall seeing this a few weeks ago.

In any case, after the T-Point run I turned on ProTrack and slewed over to Omega Centauri. I attach two 2x2 binned/strectched single frames. What I see I don't really understand. The 20 sec exposure shows a bit of trailing, or is it optical distortion towards the edges? The 45 sec exposure sure looks like trailing, but then I don't understand why some stars appear not to trail...especially towards the right side of the image.

The camera is very ridgedly mounted using a Baader Click Lock extension, and the Feather Touch Focuser has a very sturdy locking ring. Yet, could it be that the CCD is not truly perpendicular to the optical plane? I'm just guessing; there is probably a much simpler explanation, hopefully! I know focus isn't perfect, but shouldn't focusing be symetrical over the field?

I'm not sure why I cannot even get 45 sec exposures not to trail with this mount and these adjustments. Any tips greatly appreciated!!

Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (T-Point.jpg)
175.7 KB45 views
Click for full-size image (omega cent 20 sec 2x2 bin no dark protrack on.jpg)
158.0 KB51 views
Click for full-size image (omega cent 45 sec 2x2 bin no dark protrack on.jpg)
141.6 KB57 views
Click for full-size image (Terms-2.jpg)
155.5 KB27 views

Last edited by PRejto; 18-05-2012 at 07:16 AM.
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