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Old 28-03-2010, 03:28 AM
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anatomic astronomer

Dietmar is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Linz, Austria
Posts: 372
about the colors in astro-imaging

hi guys,

to achieve relastic colors is what we are eager to obtain in all our astro-imaging efforts, isn't it? however, the question would be: what is realistic? what is objective ?
and what is feasible in color-imaging?
I have witnessed many discussions about the "true colors in LRGB- and DSLR-astrophotography" that repeatedly have taken place all over the globe in different forums at several occasions and frequently yield a result which clearly misses the punch-line of human color-sensation.
You might have attended some astro-imaging conference where a couple of well renowned imagers have presented their photos of maybe the same object and claimed to have gotten the "right" colors. And has there not been a huge difference in the appearance of such photos? Naturally! Because the the most important factor in color-composition is us.
here are some thoughts about colors in astronomical imaging:
a bit of physiological and philosophical background from my standpoint as physician and photographer.
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