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Old 23-10-2010, 09:37 PM
Alchemy (Clive)
Quietly watching

Alchemy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Yarra Junction
Posts: 3,044
Thankyou Gary for the detailed reply, I've had a read and feel we can do this, I will just need some time under a clear sky.
Have had a read in the manual RE the TPAS pointing system.
Once the moon has gone I will realign the mount, and go with the exact align method, and give the TPAS system a try...... Will no doubt return here for some further advice.
The biggest problem with the G11 for me is the locking nuts on the latitude setting angle slip somewhat, I have not used those crimped type washers as it will mark the mount, subsequently it does need checking prior to each imaging run. My initial reading of the TPAS would indicate I would need to redo it prior to imaging , as if the mount has moved slightly the analysis would have changed also........ Will follow up later once I have become more proficient in the use of your product.

Many thanks
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