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Old 21-06-2018, 01:20 PM
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sil (Steve)
Not even a speck of dust

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Originally Posted by that_guy View Post
Didn't help I was listening to a stephen king audio book
Next time watch Alien before heading outside in the dark and try to NOT think about something large uncurling from the trees behind you

Nice shots btw I know the temptation to just grab a few quicks subs of extra targets is always strong, but I find it less stressful now to have a capture plan and to stick to it. Get all the subs you need on one or two targets rather than get distracted. But note the distractions (theres always more than one extra thing to just grab isnt there??) and dedicate a session to those, especially if they are fainter new targets for you, aim to grab a small set on each with your settings and later you can process and decide on likely settings changes for those targets and try those specifically next outing. Just a matter of patience as these things will be there next night etc to get. If its a location you have limited time on you'll have to plan if you want to get one or two good data sets for a couple of targets or devote the session to getting smaller sets of everything you can in the time (maybe you're on holiday somewhere and wont easily get another chance at them in the future. Planning and compromising is important for me to avoid disappointments plus I find I feel more satisfied after an imaging session when I know I got a ton of good data on what I was going after. I also switch capture settings slightly to limited video sizes or individual frames saved once I've done my main target captures and just want to run the laptop battery flat with extras/randoms/experiments. task 1: capture, task 2: worry about it all later.
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