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Old 16-07-2017, 12:00 PM
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Brian W (Brian)
The Wanderer

Brian W is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Dumaguete Philippines
Posts: 757
Being a reasonable sort of person I often take the advice I go looking for. Since posting here I have been reading, thinking, experimenting and just all around enjoying myself. Which means I have refined my question.

When I was doing visual astronomy my greatest pleasure was in finding faint fuzzies. I truly enjoyed M42 and other bright and beautiful objects but seeing a faint fuzzy was my great joy. I spent many an enjoyable hour gazing at the Veil Nebula first in a 4.5" short tube reflector and then an 8" dob.

Which brings me to my refined question: Is there a lens I can attach to my Sony that will allow me to see the Veil Nebula or will I need to attach my camera to a telescope.

If the answer is a telescope what would be the minimum aperture from a dark site?

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