Thread: Sbig stf
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Old 17-11-2011, 04:04 PM
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Yes I probably got that wrong its not the driver but the firmware.

Other brand cameras usually have on board flash memory and the firmware is in the camera not an upload on power up. This means you can disconnect the camera from the computer and plug it back in and its still going, still cooled to the same level - a handy feature.

I would love to see that implemented in SBIG cameras. Perhaps you have not had that trouble but I have. With ST2000XM I don't recall that ever happening, with STL11 a few times not that often, with ST402 it happens a lot but as I say its because the power jack is touchy. I need to get it replaced. So yeah not the upload but a consequence of the faulty power jack. If it does happen though you need to turn off CCDsoft and repower the camera then start up CCDsoft again and reconnect.

STX then sounds easier to operate remotely?


Originally Posted by Peter Ward View Post
Not sure what you mean by "driver on board"

All CCD cameras I have used to date have required drivers to also be installed with the PC's OS.

SBIG are a little different, in that they have a firmware upload on device connection. SBIG's driver checker makes it very easy to ensure the latest and greatest version is being loaded at startup.

I've been using SBIG's, literally for decades, and have never seen a coms link fail during capture. The camera either connected at start-up or it didn't.... hence your experience surprises me.

STX's are a little different. They have a built-in web server hence can be operated autonomously via an ethernet port...

In fact an i-pad and i-phone (or any web capable device) can be used to control the camera.
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