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Old 29-03-2008, 11:11 AM
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Rob_K is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Bright, Vic, Australia
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Thanks people. Les, in a way, trying to see Rup 106 in my scope is a bit of a joke, but in another way it isn't. I've seen lots of dim things through the scope of course, but the 45 mins spent on Rup last night, and the previous time, was not wasted as it is a good effort in concentration, method etc.

I've only been seriously observing for a few years, and in that time I can chart a massive improvement in recognition that is still going on. The globular cluster NGC 4372 in Musca is a classic example - I could see nothing there the first few times I looked. Then suddenly it 'appeared' one night - extremely dim, right on the threshhold of vision I thought at the time. Over time, it became easier to see, and brighter, but still as a large, smooth, dim roundish glow. Last night, after staring for ages at 'the Rup spot', I flicked over to 4372 and for the first time ever there was a definite graininess to it.

So trying hard to see things that aren't there helps greatly in seeing things that are! Er, or something like that, LOL!

Anyway, it's all good fun! Now, about the Horsehead....

Cheers -
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