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Old 02-12-2005, 10:49 PM
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avandonk is offline
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Originally Posted by Robby
Must be a 350D thing! I've had my 300D since March 2004 (1.5 yrs) & never touched the sensor. Over 10,000 clicks too! I waiting for the dreaded Error99, which some say is pre-programmed to kick in at about 10,000 shots. So far so good..
Error 99 is generally caused by non communication between camera and lens.Can be caused by dirty electrical contacts or non canon lens and lens chip incompatability.Also occurs when you try to use teleconverter without a lens attached, as the teleconverter also has a chip.
Hope this lowers your fear of the impending dreaded Error 99.

As for cleaning the sensor I use one of those cans of liquid tetrafluoroethane.The trick is to hold the can vertical so no liquid comes out.The can does say not to use on camera mirrors.Only the liquid can damage the camera as it may freeze components if liquid comes out.Some blower brushes can just send more dust onto the sensor.The blower intake should be filtered.

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