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Old 27-05-2018, 08:04 AM
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wasyoungonce (Brendan)
Certified Village Idiot

wasyoungonce is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Mexico city (Melb), Australia
Posts: 2,338
My first impression is induced noise from PWM. Yes I’ve see lots of efforts from other uses I think Garymack with smoothing.

Linear current control of a TECH is best done by bipolar transistor but I can run manual control via CC and CV modes using a PSU.

Might be a quick easy way to isolate. What you want is to half you problem doing this does that. The noise lines disappear or not.

I kinda get the impression you already know it’s the PWM ... can you alter TEC frequency ( via at mega code firmware change). is there a change?

Jeez this is interesting getting my juices flowing but still stuck in hospital atm. Due out soon but that might not pan ou let’s see I’m going to go read all the threads and try to get a handle. Can you point me to images of the issues with a link? Just makes it easy for me. Also I’m on mind bending drugs I spend a lot of time quite “foggy” which make it hard for me to comprehend. Forgive the typos again I’m using phone. I have my kappa and wifi modem so I have some luxuries
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