Thread: f/8 enough?
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Old 06-07-2015, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by LewisM View Post
WOnder - with the FSQ extended to f/8 and then use a 2x barlow, making it F/16.... nah, wouldn't come to focus I am sure anyway
Get one of these and never look back. People say it's an expensive barlow but my argument is the following.

1_ It's a fluorite quadruplet with zero light scattering.
2_ It's light weight, super short and gives you a 90mm imaging circle.
3_ You get magnification from x3 to x8 by just adding tubes and it doesn't change your back-focus.

Now if you think about the money, how much would an assortment of Barlows/Powermates to cover the same range of magnification cost you? Would it be the same quality as well? Easier to use? How heavy is a x5 powermate?

The decision for me was a no brainer. Even if at the time I bought it, it was four times the price of the scope I used it on. But hey, I still got it, I use it all the time and it just works. And I saved a lot of money.

I always say measure twice, cut once.
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