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Old 01-09-2019, 10:02 AM
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PeterM is offline
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Supernova leaves total annihilation

There is a lot of recent reporting of Supernova 2016iet, this article in Sky & Telescope sums it up nicely.

Not a BOSS team discovery, but certainly great to read that the science is revealing more and more about Supernova. But it all begins with someone finding them.

It's also encouraging that the many, many hours we have put into to finding Supernova in the last 10 years has and may further add some value to the science of Supernova. A number of science papers have already been published about some of our discoveries and we understand there are several more in the pipeline.

While the Professional All Sky surveys are pretty much hoovering up the skies, there is still room for keen amateur astronomers to find there own (as we did last month with NGC6753 / SN2019mh). Perhaps to even join professional groups like ASASSN out of Ohio State University, as ad- hoc contributors in confirming their discoveries. They are very generous in their recognition of contributing amateur astronomers - who they recognise as "unpaid professional astronomers"

Point is, just when we think we know it all in say Supernova Astro Science we don't, there is more to be done and if you want you can still have a valuable input.
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