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Old 07-09-2019, 11:41 AM
el_draco (Rom)
Politically incorrect.

el_draco is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Tasmania (South end)
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Originally Posted by Wavytone View Post
Mmmmm it’s just the beginning of the season. Without significant rain there will be much worse over the next 6 months,

Anyway Jeremy, your lot chopped down all the trees many centuries ago, but at least it rains there, well enough to make a nice carpet of grasses.

And IMho we should do sane - remove the risk of catastrophic fire by eliminating the fuel - gum trees - and replant with other species that do not pose this risk.

It’s time to stop dreaming of what the country once was - that’s disappearing and there’s no way back. Instead transform it into something sustainable, long-term. If we don’t, fires will achieve this randomly and indiscriminately and many won’t like the result. Better to recognise what has to happen and manage the change in a way that is socially acceptable.

Unfortunately many species are already doomed thanks to climate change, which cannot be undone.
Jesus Bloody Christ. Maybe think about the real causes, like ADANI, like stupid dogma driven politicians for your fires!!

This is the kind of thinking that led to brilliant ideas like, bringing rabbits and Foxes to Australia! It isn't just Queensland that's affected, (where ripping down forests and digging up coal in the name of "progress" is seen as a "good idea"); it's the whole damn planet that is being impacted.

There's a heat pulse coming out of Antarctica now that's going to make banana benders fry like you ain't seen it before. Cutting down what belongs here is sheer stupidity. You'll take out the entire Ecology of the country in the process. Is that a "Good Idea" as well.

Baise Moi!
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