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Old 28-07-2020, 10:17 AM
glend (Glen)
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Not much time left in the road closure window for today Martin. I see there was an RCS test but it does not look like they can be ready for static fire this time, as there is no icing of the tanks visible.Hopevi am wrong.
They are up agasinst some pretty serious obstacles over the past few weeks. Testing pretty much ground to a halt. There was obviously Hurricane Hanna which closed down the site, but prior to that it was evident that fewer and fewer workers were onsite ( judging by the reduced evidence of work and movement at the shipyard site in BocaChicaGals (Mary's) daily video updates. Also the car parks were mostly empty. I suspect the Covid is impacting the workers onsite, as Texas is being seriously hammered by it now. I know Elon is a big skeptic about it, as he was backing the ' just a flu' line, but even he has been very quiet the last couple of weeks, although he did suggest the 150m hop would take place by last weekend, which it did not. Time will tell, it might hop this week.
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