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Old 13-12-2011, 09:26 AM
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Phil Liebelt

CDKPhil is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Australia
Posts: 279
It would be the same if you were photographing the sun, with a normal SLR CCD camera and a 50mm lens ( not that it is recommended )
You might use a shutter speed of 1/64000th of a second and get a bright round circle, but use 1/2000th of a second and get your whole frame over saturated.
The only difference between the sun and the stars is the time it takes to expose them.
If you want to do a simple experiment. (not with the Sun ) get your SLR mount it on a tripod set up a LED (point Source light) in a dark room and expose it at different shutter speeds. You will see the exact same effect as what is being discussed.

Unfortunately for astronomers there are huge contrast ratios between the stars and faint fuzzy objects. So Airy disks, bloated stars what ever you want to call them, will be an issue. As CCD technology advances I am sure someone will come up with adaptive pixels, where the user could control the amount of saturation for individual pixels. It would be like the old darkroom technique of dodging and burning but on a far more advanced level.

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