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Old 02-07-2011, 05:44 PM
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Searching for Travolta...

Suzy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Brisbane, Australia.
Posts: 3,700
There's loads of the "good stuff" I haven't seen yet.

I told myself from the beginning to take it slow and steady, but many sessions spent trying to find just one object is bordering on.. hmmm.. there's a word for it just doesn't come to mind. I tell myself I'm learning star fields in the process , yep yep burnt into my head they are, yep yep..
I generally go after objects once I've become familiar with a constellation. So a list of objects for me scattered across different constellations that I haven't come to learn yet, just doesn't happen for me.

Soon I'll be coming to you and Shell for bino targets .
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