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Old 01-09-2017, 01:54 PM
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sil (Steve)
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Originally Posted by cometcatcher View Post
I think the answer is subjective. Everyone has different "acceptable parameters" and in time even they change.
I agree here, i've seen many ways to measure it but they all have drawbacks it seems with consistency and accuracy. you can measure the SNR in one program twice and get two different values.

Chasing a perfect SNR or noise-free image is a nitpicking exercise. There are ways and means to reduce capturing noise in the first place (eg understand the different types of noise and their sources). By stacking you are NOT removing noise (not everyone understands this), just pushing it fainter from the Signal you actually want so its perceptually less noticable. If you set clipping values in your software you can more aggressively remove noise along with some signal too. Noise reduction filters will effect signal too in different ways depending on the method used. Keep in mind your end goal for your image when processing and how noise reduction will impact it. Also many processes actually add noise (unwanted Signal ) to your image too. Personally I capture very noisy subs and my final images are fairly noisy too, I try to compensate for being unable to capture the way I want or should so I roll with the best I can do with my limitations. I keep looking at different ways though to reduce the obvious noise for me AP is a constant cycle of learning and experimenting, so how much noise is too noisy? for me when you see NO signal at all, otherwise ever shot is still in draft for me, i can still work on ways to improve it. I enjoy the process.
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