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Old 13-05-2013, 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by FJA View Post
Thanks for the replies Malcolm and Gary. I feel that getting an Argo Navis will help me maximise my observing time. While I am reasonably proficient at finding stuff using a chart and finder, I also waste a fair bit of time when I can't track down objects. With three or four, sometimes more, sometimes fewer, observing sessions each month I'd like to make better use of my observing time.

Gary, I'll drop you an email.
Hi Faith,

Thanks for the response.

Many Argo Navis owners are highly experienced star hoppers. Some are even,
dare I say, veteran star hoppers.

On the observing field, during phone conversations and in email exchanges over the
years I have heard it repeated many times. Time is precious, observing opportunities
can be few and far between and life is, let's face it, too short to spend time
mucking about finding an object rather than observing it.

Having returned from the South Pacific Star Party this weekend, where many
Argo Navis units were also in use, I personally appreciated the ability to move
back and forth quickly between similar classes of objects to compare or contrast them.

I also assisted with conducting sky tours at the star party, last night using
a 25" Obsession equipped with Argo Navis. We were able to entertain the
queue with a succession of cool objects, each one of which we were able to
locate in seconds. Most eight year old children have limited patience and
we were able to keep them and their parents entertained much, much longer
than we would have been able to do otherwise.

Thanks again and I look forward to your email.

Best Regards

Gary Kopff
Managing Director
Wildcard Innovations Pty. Ltd.
20 Kilmory Place, Mount Kuring-Gai
NSW. 2080. Australia
Phone +61-2-9457-9049
Fax +61-2-9457-9593
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