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Old 06-05-2013, 07:44 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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To be fair Fred STXL probably weighs even more than Proline. Also you are underestimating the value of high powered cooling. Its not only for thermal noise it also gets rid of cosmetic artifacts like dead lines and hot pixels which is especially important for 6303 which degrades faster than other CCDs. Also with RBI to work properly it needs to be heavily cooled as the resulting bleeding noise is reduced after the multiple infrared fushes at the start. RBI is more of an issue with 6303E chip as well. I have only seen it on 16803 chip once or twice and it was negligble in effect in the image. It median combined out. 2 lines that faded in several subs from a planes navigational lights going through the frame. Not sure really if RBI would be an issue or not. I suspect not. Its more an issue with the rarely used 09000 chip.

MMOAG works well with Proline. But I do think SBIG has the edge in autoguiding solutions. MMOAG though is a very fine solution once you get used to the tacked on nature of it.

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