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Old 26-04-2013, 12:30 PM
Landow (Michael)
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Landow is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 2
About the may 10th annular eclipse

Hi. Thank you very much for all the responds to my request for images of the May 10th 2013 annular eclipse coming up. How ever. Some of you want an explanation of why I need these images and others, think that I am hiding something. I am not hiding anything. It is just that I am in the middle of a research and there is too much material to talk about. My goal was to use your own images to explain the best I could what is happening. How ever, since some of you have requested an explanation. I am going to show you what I am talking about. By using, other eclipses images from the past. Take a look at the following youtube video. Click link below. Or copy and paste it in your browser.

As you will see in this video, this phenomenon is very hard to explain. We have a few theories and we are looking for certain things to happen during this coming May 10th annular eclipse. This is why we are asking you for the images. By the way. If you know the owners of the photos that we are showing in this video. Please, have them get in touch with me right away.

Thank you very much.