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Old 03-04-2013, 02:02 PM
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Paul Haese
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Paul Haese is offline
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This is similar to what I have been saying. So long as you can 3/4 fill your histogram with the magnification you are using, then you will get good results. So a 3x barlow with a good quality sensor will get the results you are trying to obtain. You will need several barlows to work with for varying conditions.

Even though mathematically what Ray has shown is correct; in practice frame rates to collect enough frames with low noise cameras is what you want. Each camera responds differently to this problem. Look for cameras with low read noise, deepish wells and good sensitivity. All the ones mentioned fill most of these requirements. To be honest I think the PGR cameras have the lowest noise of any camera and present very high frame rates. This comes at a cost though.
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