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Old 24-02-2013, 09:53 PM
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Rod is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Mount Martha
Posts: 372
I am working on a long focus 6 inch mirror for a schiefspiegler. RC is 200 inches approx.

After a lot of trouble with all kinds of zones I have a rough hyperbola, looks like an f6 parabola. I am hoping that will be relatively easy to reduce to a sphere.

I am finding the long focus sphere a bit more of a challenge than I expected but it is interesting and I like being able to use the ronchi test as a null test.

Does anyone know anything about a polishing compound called TK 68?

I was given a jar of it by a friend who used to make optics professionally and have used it for polishing this mirror. I read a vague reference to it elsewhere being an aggressive polishing compound in which case it sounds unsuitable for finishing a mirror like this. I have some red rouge so could switch to that.

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