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Old 10-02-2013, 06:33 PM
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Paul Haese
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Paul Haese is offline
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Mark, I think you are just assuming too much and trying to read something into the scope that is not there.

I have done an image of the grus triplet but it has significant flexure in the image due to guiding without an OAG. However, here it is.

I also did a trifid shot with it too, but that was in monochrome and no colour.

No reading between the lines really. I have diversified my imaging to the point that I now find it hard to get all the imaging I want done. I really have to get two observatories fully automated to make this happen. Weather has made it a little hard to image with the 12 too. I am doing Solar, planetary, DSO wide, DSO narrow and time lapse. In between I have to sleep and conduct a business and this has taken priority in the last year or so. Not to mention taking care of several properties and looking after my wife. Having been ill for the last 2 months makes it hard too.

There is nothing wrong with the optics that I can see and I think it represents good value for money. I finished a review today (thanks to your prompting) and posted it on line here. The scope has some warts but some of this is to do with dew control, the type of tube and the focusor. Time is of the essence for me and hard to get hold of at the moment. Time to get the parts, time to decide what object to image and in the mean time undertake dealing with two bung solar scopes and imaging projects I want to finish.

Besides all this I wonder what possible interest you have in the equation. Like I said in the thread where I took possession of the scope you are Newt fan and not likely to ever buy an RC; and I just think your comments are not constructive to the thread really. You make wild speculations about what is going on and you really don't know what is going on do you?

That is all I am going to say on the subject now. I hope this has helped you Allan.
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