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Old 04-02-2013, 10:48 AM
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PRejto (Peter)
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PRejto is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Rylstone, NSW, Australia
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I have not used any of those software solutions, but generally you must set various parameters to give you the best looking image before you capture anything.

If there is a histogram in the capture software use it! Make totally sure that nothing is clipped. Usually I just increase gain to around 70% and make sure that all three colours are balanced and none are clipping. The colour needs to look as natural on your screen before capture as you can get it.

Focusing is massively critical and hard to get and maintain. You might consider using a mask of some sort, even slewing to a nearby star to focus. Your scope is fast so the critical focus distance is extremely small, but you have got to nail it.

Capture at the highest frame rate possible, but not so high as to introduce noise from gain. You can see this noise when the image starts to
Look grainy. You need to capture are many frames as possible! You did not say how long you are capturing. At 30 fps one min will give you 1800. You can capture for 2 to 3min....

Try using Autostakkert to process your video. It is fast and quite good! You should see a fairly good result coming out of Autostakkert....if not probably all the processing in the world will not rescue the image. But, if you have a good result it is amazing what you can pull out. There are zillion tutorials on planetary processing so I will stop here.

Looking forward to seeing your next efforts. You can get a surprising amount out of 5"

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