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Old 26-11-2012, 07:49 PM
axle01 (Alan)
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axle01 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Townsville
Posts: 312
Your observing LOCATION: ....…..Cairns Esplanade

Ease of ACCESS to observing location ….......5 min drive from our motel

Any PROBLEMS AT OBSERVING LOCATION ..........None got there about 4am

Access to WEATHER info? .......Looked out the motel window at 3am to see clouds.

Did you RELOCATE due weather and any problems with that? …......Yes we were booked to go up to Kuranda on the train but i was worried it would be clouded over so we took our chances on the Esplanade and forfeited the $750 cost which was a big mistake, we should of headed west, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Comment on EYE SAFETY MESSAGES .........I had already made my own filters by cutting a rectangle hole out of a piece of cardboard and sticky taping the solar filter to the opening which was better than using the glasses that were being sold.

ACCOMMODATION .......I booked our accommodation over a year in advance.

Did you attend any of the ORGANISED EVENTS ...........No

What could have been managed better? ….......The Eclipse could have been later in the day after the cloud cleared.

Anything that went well that you want to comment on? …....Yeah the police moved a group of about 20 pommies that were drinking in one of the car parks, they were good about it and just gave them a warning for drinking in a public place.

Overall, did you leave with a positive or negative IMPRESSION OF THE REGION? …......Always like visiting Cairns as it is only a 4 hour drive from Townsville without roadworks.

Where did you come from …..Townsville Queensland Australia.

On an eclipse tour or independent travel? …...Independent

Previous eclipse experience ....... first eclipse that i can remember but i did see one when i was a very young kid.

age: ......To old to work to poor to retire, 60
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