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Old 16-11-2012, 09:48 AM
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h0ughy (David)

h0ughy is offline
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Location: NEWCASTLE NSW Australia
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a huge thank you to Cyclone

I have to extend a huge thank you to Marchello for his hospitality of allowing 8 strangers to rock up to his orchard and view the eclipse late at night. thanks Cyclone. Awesome house!

The views from Mareeba were fantastic, missed first contact due to it being in the soup of cloud over Cairns, but got to see all of it including totality.

I however had an epic software failure - all 4 camera were being software driven and were working flawlessly (so i thought) with the partials but during totality the software did something odd - i only got 2 way over exposed shots dispute the continual ramping and clicking of the cameras - they were being actuated but i have no idea what happened. the pitfall of having to redo a script from scratch for an entirely new location. my original script allowed for the 2min but at Mareeba we only had 1min 31.7 seconds. Solar Eclipse Maestro had the timings nailed with the GPS - i could not fault that. but i made the decision that i was going to enjoy the totality rather than fix anything camera wise. glad i did. i am severely disappointed that i didn't get anything but i did get a video of totality and will upload that to utube . I wish to thank Alan Meehan my astro buddy - awesome trip Al - thank you

to all the others who got to image the eclipse you have some awesome shots
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