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Old 21-10-2012, 08:42 AM
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gregbradley is offline
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Good post Dave.

I think you summed it up nicely. One point though with small wells. Most chips these days are anitblooming so if the full well overflows it is simply channelled off in the side gutter so to speak. Like excess water going into an oveflow downpipe.

So loss of surrounding pixel numbers I think is more the fact that bright light sources are not perfectly bordered but drop off in brightness the further away you go from the centre - bell shaped curves.

So you get bright halos that wipe out nearby data. At least thats how I think it goes. Certainly its observable in some systems that overwhelming the small wells gives bright ugly haloed stars. I have seen that with my KAF8300 yet others have not had it happen. I think the difference was my system was faster optically and medium focal length and theirs was slower and longer so less light fills the wells.

Its something to watch as I notice almost all of the mega megapixel Kodak chips have quite small wells - KAF39000 and up and quite low QE.

I suspect the next monster astro CCD chip may have to come from someone else than True Sense imaging who have not released any new chips since they bought Kodak Imaging Sensor business from Kodak.

Either that or finally CMOS chips will become so good they will be the norm.

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