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Old 11-10-2012, 05:02 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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[QUOTE=pluto;902784]The flicker from auto ISO would be because the ISO is changing in relatively large increments, like 200 to 320 (maybe you can choose smaller increments depending on the camera) so if aperture and exposure are locked off then there will be a noticeable jump in brightness.

I only mentioned the white balance thing because I have seen it on timelapses I have done where everything (exposure time, aperature and ISO speed) is locked off and I have forgotten to set a manual white balance. A couple of times I have remembered mid shooting and set the white balance and seen afterwards that the flickering stopped at the point I set the WB.

Good tip.

D800 can be adjusted for ISO steps to be either 1/3rd 1.2 or 1 step. Chose 1/3rd.

Also try aperture priority as that will also change shutter speed to suit the metered scene so you have 2 variables going instead of 1.

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