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Old 02-09-2012, 01:50 AM
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Originally Posted by marki View Post
Bert as you come to grips with maxim you will learn to love it. It is very powerful and only has a few annoying habits like guiding best on 2 x 2 bin. Make the autosave your friend, check out the scripting and have a look at the array of plugins that have been developed for the program. Best feature of the guiding is the ability to change settings on the run which is really helpful if conditions change or you need to rebalance the gives you a little extra time so to speak. Easily the best most complete astro program out there and I love the way it gets on with everything I have plugged into the computer. Using the SBIG ST-i means I don't even have to cover the guide scope when taking darks for guiding, just a simple dark and it is automatically applied to all the subs there after. Good stuff.

Hi Mark,
How long did it take you to learn Maxim DL?

I have the same problem as Bert.
I tried out my new CCD camera for the first time tonight.
I got it to focus on all 5 filters & download pics.
I didn't have any luck with guiding using Maxim DL & a Lodestar -
so at the moment I am trying to learn Maxim DL but it
is an extremely difficult program to use.
PHD guiding is so simple to use in comparison.
The first time I used PHD I was guiding in 5 minutes
without having to learn anything.
Tonight - Maxim DL guiding cost me 3 hours & I got no where.

Maxim DL - the most difficult program to use that I've ever seen in my life.
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