Thread: Tripod advice
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Old 20-08-2012, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by jjjnettie View Post
At the moment I'm using a fairly light weight tripod for my terrestrial work, but now I'm using heavier lenses, when I have the camera in the vertical position, the whole camera tends to succumb to gravity. Not exactly what you want happening when you're capturing time lapses.
My budget is around the $300 mark. Will I be able to get something more robust in that price range? Or do I have to keep on saving?

And while I have your attention....
I have the same problem when I attach the camera to the mount using a dove tail bar. Once the camera reaches a certain position, it just starts slipping. I've tried various ways to attach it more firmly to the bar, but to no avail.

I got a Manfrotto tripod several years ago and it seems to be fine.
The head may also be the thing you need to change. I got a Sirui ball head from Mainline Photographics in Crows Nest. It was about $140. The tripod with an alt az head was around $149 as I recall. I got it from a photographic shop in a mall. I use a Nikon D800E and a 14-24mm lens (its large and its heavy - nearly a kilo and the camera is a bit less than a kilo as well).

DPreview is a good place to get advice about tripods. It comes up a lot and there are many with lots of knowledge on the best tripods.

When you say your camera is slipping do you mean it rotates off its screw in baseplate?

Again I got this Sirui plate with the ball head and it seems pretty good.

Check out Really Right Stuff. They have a lot of gear for mounting DSLRs.

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