Thread: Hello to all
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Old 27-07-2012, 11:04 AM
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clueless is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 31
Hello to all

I just wanted to say hi. My name is Andrew and I've been into astronomy since last December when my wife bought me a celestron astromaster 130eq md. Still learning, and as you all would be aware it's definitely a steep hill to climb. I still haven't found Sigma oct yet, I;ve taken a few out of focus photos, seen the transit of venus, moon, mars, jupiter and saturn. For some reason I enjoy just fiddling and trying to find things, but I would like to be able to point the scope when I want to, so see other objects. My mount is pretty crappy for an GEM, one leg bracket is alread broken, slightest touch and it broke, but I can still use it.
My goal is to buy a GEM with goto, new ones are way too expensive for me as I work 2 jobs to support my family as it is. I;m hoping I will find a second hand one for sale on here. It's a great site, the best I've come accross and I've looked at a lot. I live in Merimbula so I enjoy pretty dark skies for excellent viewing. One of the hardest learning curves is to acutally learn the lingo, all these abbreviations means I have to cut and paste into google all the time just to know what people are talking about
Anyway, hi again and happy viewing.
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