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Old 10-06-2012, 06:45 PM
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mental4astro (Alexander)

mental4astro is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: sydney, australia
Posts: 4,979
Gary, so true about seeing as much with a smaller aperture as with a larger. I've notice that in switching between my own scopes. Sometimes the only difference is just subtle texture.

John, I have a preference for my right eye, but some nights I find I'm using my left. Not a conscience decision either. Just happens . And it's difficult to swap mid-session too.

Sab, I've tried the cloak too, but the problem of fogging killed that. Heating the eyepiece is an option, but the density of H20 in our breath overcomes this too. I can only cup my observing eye, trying to keep my nose out of the cocoon to reduce the amount of exhaled breath that enters.

Well, I've finished this PN Blinking Paddle. I used a piece of MDF I had left over from making a couple of bullroarers for my son, hence its shape. Turns out to be just fine for my purposes - long enough to just need a small flick of the wrist to move it into and out of place, and its ovoid shape good to accomodate the shape of one's face. Its thin profile will help deal with eyerelief distance. I'm not sure if to paint it or not. At most I may just give it a once over with some acrylic paint as I don't want paint fumes in my eyepiece case.
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