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Old 02-05-2012, 08:47 PM
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Logieberra (Logan)
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QHY8 Pro owner here. It's fantastic. Yes, I did get 'fog' forming on the glass CCD chamber window (visible when you look inside the tube) but this is easily corrected with a properly spaced dew heater strap.

After speaking with Theo I tried two things: bring the dew heater strap as far forward as possible, and also obstruct the fan intakes a bit (I did that by running a velcro strap around the intake openings and reducing intake by approx 50%). This makes the peltiers a little less effective and transfers warmth through the system as the electronics 'naturally' warm up. These steps made all the difference. Dewing / fog issues fixed.

I've heard the issue described as follows, which made perfect sense to me:
- CCD chamber with gas cooled to -15 deg (or there abouts);
- glass CCD chamber window contacting the outside air temperature (eg +25 deg); and
- warm summer night air (+25 deg) hitting the -15 deg chamber window = 40 deg change!

Of course the CCD glass chamber window will fog!~
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