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Old 07-04-2012, 02:20 AM
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Yoddha is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Posts: 397
The beta 1.94 is available on the site Note that CCD support is not included in it!

Here is the list if changes:

- Darkness Clock - shows the Sun and Moon set/rise, Nautical and Astro twilights. The clock shows the things from "nigh" point of view - most nights start in one day and ends in other Also there is a maker that shows the current time and flashes when there is approaching event in the next 15 minutes. The left end is 12:00 at mid day of the day in which the night starts/started. The right end is 12:00 at mid day of the day in which the night ends.

- Deep Space Darkness calculator. Double click on the Darkness clock to open it. It shows the exact times for all tracked events. Calculates the 'Deep Space Darkness' - the time when the sky is dark and Moon is not above the horizon. You can see the values for any date - input a date and hit 'Enter' key to recalculate or use Prev/Next buttons. Also you can search for the next night with at least X hours of DSD time, starting from the selected night

- Settings dialog is reworked to use tabs and there is new one - location. You can enter coordinates in the format +/-XX.XXXXX. APT will convert them in to readable form

- When PHD dithering is On, APT will check on every plan start if there is connection to PHD and will attempt to make connection if it is not available.

- Object calculator DB is extended with the new models - 5D Mk III, 1Dx and 60Da

- Recalc button will switch on the object scale mode of the 'Target' button.

- 1100D model has no native mirror lock function. APT is updated to support LiveView simulation for this model.

- Some UI enhancements.

Please keep a copy of the official version in case something with this beta goes wrong...

As usual I'll be more than happy to hear your opinions and suggestions!

Last edited by Yoddha; 07-04-2012 at 02:34 AM.
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