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Old 03-04-2012, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by philiphart View Post
depends what you want to do with the footage afterwards, but unless you have plans to release a 4K cinema version, small JPGs are enough for timelapse video.

RAW or sRAW provide more processing capability (particularly managing white balance through twilight which can be tricky) but processing large RAW sequences is not really the challenge you want first night out.

if it's completely dark, then manual settings best. but if you're starting during twilight then manual will not last long from over-exposed one minute to very under-exposed ten minutes later. but with Av or any auto mode, you'll get flicker as the settings change. for that you need LR Timelapse and a spare week to figure it all out..


Hey Phil.

I got this link to a site on the weekend that does an iphone app that does time lapse for various cameras including ramping and other features.

Sounds awesome. I can find the link if you are interested.

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