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Old 23-03-2012, 01:45 AM
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Willoughby (Willoughby)
Eclipse n00b

Willoughby is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Darwin, Northern Territory
Posts: 16
Hey everyone... new here - great site!!!

Very much looking forward to this eclipse in November.

Me and a friend plan to view this towards the Arnhem Escarpment, NNE of Jabiru, NT outside the community of Oenpelli / Gunbalanya on a large rise on the Arnhem Land side. According to the NASA eclipse Google Map page ( ), an eclipsed sun will rise at 2032 UT (6:02 CST) with it becoming totally eclipsed four minutes later at 2036 for 1m21s.
I think this could be an insane photographic opportunity with an enlarged (illusion) sun/moon against the foreground of the Arnhem Escarpment.

Do you guys reckon this location could be risky due to the normal nature of increased cloudiness on the immediate horizon?

Here is Google Earth simulation of the sunrise at 5:56AM, 14/11/12.

Does anyone know if the sun shading here would be accurate?

Looking forward to your answers!


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