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Old 13-03-2012, 03:50 PM
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h0ughy (David)

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Originally Posted by Paul Haese View Post
Budget is really going to decide what you get.

You already have a DMK41 so use that for solar. That is what I use and you have seen the results I have obtained with that.

Now the only choice you have to make is do you go one shot colour or Mono for planetary. Given NSW's weather in the last few years it might be better to go with the OSC of the DBK618. It carries the same version of the PGR cameras but it is in colour. It can do 60fps and that will suit all the planets generally.

If you want to go full mono, then get an electric focusor and electric filter wheel. It makes life easier. 2x 1.25 barlow will give you plenty of scale too. I am using this configuration on Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. The filter wheel produces a further 1x mulitiplier effect on the focal length, if you use something like the True Technology supaslim filter wheel. Camera is a matter of choice really with both PGR and IS cameras producing good results. PGR stuff is pretty noise free from great electronics though, however price is reflective of this fact too. Personally I like the PGR camera and I prefer mono gear myself. Check out my recent planetary images. You know Anthony uses them too. I have had several IS cameras over the years and know that noise is present in all their cameras but the latest version may well be pretty noise free at high gain levels.

Choice is yours David. Welcome to planetary imaging and waiting for good seeing. If you think DSO imaging is frustrating, then this will really test your patience. Run away while you can.
just been chatting to the PGR folk - they don't move much on price or delivery for that matter - $100 us regardless of the weight. all up it would be closer to the $1000 dollar mark. i might go with the IS USB2 version for under $500 australian after all i don't really image planets much - but now is as better time to learn as later thanks for the feedback
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