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Old 02-03-2012, 06:02 PM
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It looks to be a nice improvement over the 5D 2.

The wireless flash you mentioned though is not in this one but a $499 accessory. D800 has one built in. Also no flash but then I suppose a lot of pros would use an external flash unit. Amateurs like me want a built in flash.

Its as you would expect, a good number of mp and improved processor allowing better high ISO performance versus D800 with high mp and still good high ISO but no match for this.

The inevitable shootouts and comparisons will be interesting.

Gotta say it seems not as good bang for your buck as the Nikon on the surface at least. AUD$935 more for the 5D mark iii ($3465 versus $4400 , no flash, no wireless flash unit, high ISO is a plus but less mp, less rugged body, both processors I am assuming are probably similar in performance, both dual memory, video seems similar - not sure about the ability to change settings mid-recording the 5D mark iii can do if the D800 can do that - not sure. Builit in HDR I think both can do, D800 has a time lapse function, menus etc is probably a user preferred thing for either.
D800 also has autofocus for video - perhaps not important to some.

If you are already using a 5D and want an upgrade and have lots of Canon lenses it seems a worthwhile upgrade but I don't see anything there that is too exciting for my uses. Although it would seem on paper this new 5D mark 111 would be the camera of choice for astroimaging or night time lapse. Until a Nikon D400 comes out at least.

I wonder if the rumours about a 45mp 5DX have any merit or if there
is any mention about this in the media coverage of this release.

Oh and another good thing, Canon is retaining the mark ii and dropping its price much like Nikon keeping the D700 and dropping its price. Competition is a good thing!

For what its worth a Ken Rockwell quick evaluation of the camera:


Last edited by gregbradley; 02-03-2012 at 06:22 PM.
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