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Old 08-01-2012, 09:09 AM
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gregbradley is offline
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WOW, what an experience!

I don't think its that uncommon for a particular piece of gear to cause problems.

I went through a spat of trouble with USB hubs and USB connections.

For what its worth I found Apogee FW50mm square filter wheel to be the best. My FLI filter wheels have been good but their front cover is a bit thin plus the thread depth to screw adapters in is too shallow.

Apogee also has various screw and plastic washer combinations to hold various thickness filters. FLI has brought out something similar for round filters (a screw in ring - good idea). Sometimes my FLI filter wheel would stick because an adapter went too far into the filter wheel and the little screws that hold in the filters would snag on the adapter and freeze it.
I have gotten good at grinding back adapters although it usually means they are a bit harder to get the threads to engage. My FLI CFW4/5 flexes slightly with the weight of my Proline 16803. It must be minor as it does not appear to affect most images but I see a minor affect on some sensitive optical configurations.

The only problem with the Apogee FW50 was they put openings in the earlier models and sometimes that allowed dust to shift around inside making flats unstable. I did not have that problem but have read about it. I believe later models corrected that.

My SBIG filter wheels seemed to work fine. I had trouble with the carousel of an STL11 but that was because I opened it up so often to change over to narrowband filters.
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