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Old 06-11-2011, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Bassnut View Post
Hey Greg (sorry for the hijack Roland). At 656nm (Ha) the16803 is 45%Qe and the 6303 is 65%. ok there's not much in it for lrgb as you say,But for me that makes the 6303 more attractive for NB, it's the difference ( roughly) between a 16 and 20" aperture for the same image result.

The 16801 on the other hand peaks at 68% Qe (nabg version) at Ha, which is very interesting, but much more expensive. I can't find any astroimager user pics, mmm, wonder why ?.

Another thing, the 16803s dark noise is 0.08e at -35c, but the 6303 is 0.0005e at -45c, several orders of mag lower, yet I often hear the 6303 is a noisy chip? Thats got me stumped, unless the cooling on the SBIG is the problem, in which case the FLI then becomes far more attractive with deeper cooling, what do you think?.
I haven't seen any 16801 images either. I see what you mean, another 20% QE in Ha is pretty attractive but its less QE at 550nm (52% verus 60%). That would be relevant for LRGB so yes the camera is best used for NB. Also the chip direction Kodak seems to have taken it would seem this sort of performance will be a thing of the past from them. They are going the small pixel platform more megapixel type direction and have settled into 50% QE as being high.

I just looked at the Kodak Spec sheet. They are not the same criteria from one sheet to the next (I don't know why they do that). But it shows readout noise at 15 electrons for the 6303 and 9 electrons for the 16803. I am not sure that is the correct measure for what you are asking.

Best ask Steve Crouch about noise performance in the field in an STL body as he is the only one I see using one here. I don't see noise in his images. So like any camera you just match the darks poperly and you'll be fine.

I think it would be a nice change from the ST10 which is a legend of a camera but the 6303 is more real estate.

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