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Old 28-10-2011, 11:57 AM
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PCH (Paul)
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Hi Guys,

thanks once again for your replies. Invaluable as usual in the wisdom and experience shared.

@Jason - hey that is a good idea. Dead is good from that point of view, - well thought of.

@AndyK - some great pointers Andy, with lots of useful and usable pointers on how to get started in macro. This is exactly what I was hoping for.

@Troy - I've been playing around with 'things' on the table top, and was having trouble trying to get the sort of magnification that I know this thing is capable of. That's why I thought I'd ask about a picture that one of you more experienced had taken, since it demonstrates that the mag is definitely possible. So thanks for the step by step pointers Troy. I can do that to build up a feel for how it works as you say. Thanks also for the PM with the extra info, - it's very much appreciated.

Thanks so much guys, these pointers and tips are enought to get me going down this path. I'll let you know how I get on, though I can't in all honesty see myself knee deep in a swamp doing the balancing trick that you describe Andy - not yet anyway

Oh, - just one last quick qestion for one of you. Troy started his comment by saying "If I didn't have a flash ..." Doesn't the built in flash count as a flash for these situations? What's up? Not bright enough, not fast enough? Hmmmm ...

All the best guys, thanks once again for sharing
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