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Old 23-10-2011, 12:37 AM
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gregbradley is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
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I use a MMOAG with an ST402ME guide camera. I also have a Lodestar which has potential but had a few probs.

It all works fine. The main issue is they are hard to get the guide camera to focus. Only in that if you are not close you won't get any view of really out of focus stars only when you are fairly close do you start seeing out of focus stars. It can be offputting and hard to get a feel for which way the guide cam needs to go.

The distance from the prism to the main camera chip has to be the same as the distance to the guiding chip for both to be in focus.

I found depending on which scope I would need to use one or the other of the 2 attachments the MMOAG comes with for the guide camera.

Also MMOAG may not be needed for 8300 camera but the smaller MOAG.

Apart from that and working out what adapters you need it works really well and is the best way to guide. Its better than self guiding if more fussy to setup as you can now guide separate to the camera filters.
So Ha etc are not affected by dim guide stars that require 30 second guide exposures or more.

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