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Old 29-09-2011, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Paduan View Post
if you notice i replied to my own post. i do know that it is flawed and maybe it was a bad example but history is full of mathematical indescrepancy which is the point i was trying to make. as for the nutrino's they do not have Einstein telling them that they are moving too fast. as i remarked in a previous post. It was not too long ago we (the human race) believed that the speed of sound was an impenetrable BARRIER
The argument that one uses "history" as a case to establish flaws in mathematics pertaining to current theories is a logical fallacy.

In fact if you use history as a guideline you will find that most theories fall by the wayside as observations or experiments do not match up with the predictions made by the theory. Very rarely are theories rejected because of any discrepancies in the maths. The application of the maths may be wrong but the actual maths itself isn't wrong.

When did Einstein say things couldn't travel faster than light?
What Einstein specifically stated was that objects in space cannot exceed the speed of light.
Expanding space itself can exceed the speed of light as is found with the recession velocities of distant galaxies.

Finally the areodynamic speed of sound barrier was not considered a theoretical barrier that could not exceeded.


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