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Old 31-08-2011, 10:50 PM
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barx1963 (Malcolm)
Bright the hawk's flight

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Border Stargaze observing report 2011

Well here is my fairly basic report on items I made notes on. Saw a lot of other objects but these were the highlights of the new objects. Didn't include Palomar 13 as it was mainly seen in Paddy's 16" and I could go on foever about how great some of the old friends were.

Observing Report Border Stargaze 2011
All observations made with 12” GSO Dobsonian Mounted Newtonian. Eyepieces used 34mm Meade SWA, 24mm Panoptic, 13mm Nagler T6, 10mm Ethos, 7mm Nagler T6, x2 TV Barlow. Charts and references were Uranometria 2000.00 and Deep Sky Observers Guide all 3 Volumes.

Observations for Thursday August 25
Transparency good, seeing poor

NGC 6905 PN in Delphinus
Small PN with no central star. 13mm at 115x showed North South elongation with brighter East and Western edges. Some mottling, OIII filter improves view. Bright star on North edge, fainter star to S.
Other Notes: Image here!6905&r=20:22.4&d =+20:07&e=J2000&h=15&w=15&f=GIF&c=n one confirms 2 stars mentioned.

NGC 6934 GC in Delphinus
From Epsilon Delphini, move 4deg S to pair of mag 7 stars. Target lies just to N. Irregular core with a wide halo, some stars resolved

NGC 7006 GC in Delphinus
From Gamma Delphinus move to a trio of stars 3deg to f at +16deg20’ dec. Target is 50’ to f. Clear globular with a diffuse halo, nor resolved at 115x.

NGC 6956 Galaxy in Delphinus
Stellar core, large faint halo. 2 faint stars and 1 bright star lie to N.

NGC 7184 Galaxy in Aquarius
Small bright core, faint star lies to N and 2 faint star to S. Southern extension appears brighter.

NGC 7492 GC in Aquarius
Very faint, even glow, some faint (mag 12+) stars appear in foreground. Largish but not resolved.

NGC 7606 Galaxy in Aquarius
Large and well defined. Distinct oval shape. Bracketed by stars. 16” scope revealed a stellar like core.

NGC 7600 Galaxy in Aquarius
Small, faint, clear core, little structure.

Also observed NGC 7723, NGC 7727, NGC 7721

Observations for Saturday 27/8/11
Transparency good. Seeing good
Comet 2009/P1 Garradd
Near to M71, in same field at 67x. Tail elongated to NE ie. Towards M71

IC 5325
Mag 11 star lies to p. Has a faint star on S end. Oval shape, no dominant core

ESO240-11 and ESOI 240-10 Galaxies in Phoenix
Lie 1deg to S of Theta Phoenicis. The 2 galaxies bracket a mag 11 star. 240-11 is a clear spindle with maybe a hint of a dark lane. 240-10 has a faint mag13 star to p and has a faint stellar core. ESO240-13 should also be in same field, suggested but not positively seen.

NGC 2744 Galaxy in Phoenix
Bright stellar core. Mag 8 star lies to Sp. Faint even halo, oval shape.

NGC 7764 Galaxy in Phoenix
Lies just to p of mag 7 star. Quite large, no core, faint even glow across object.

NGC 7796 Galaxy in Phoenix
Lies to f of pair of mag 8 stars. Oval glow, clear condensed core with diffused halo.

IC1633 Galaxy in Phoenix
Small but brigh patch. Part of Abell 2289. Has a group of 3 stars surrounding forming an equilateral triangle filling the view at 67x. Hints of at least 3 other galaxies in cluster were evident.

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