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Old 22-06-2011, 07:58 PM
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RobF (Rob)
Mostly harmless...

RobF is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 5,719
I always try and get the QHY9 to about -1 to 1 degrees as soon as possible, then leave it there as long as I can while finalising set up, drift aligning, locating object etc. Once I'm getting closer with object framing, guidestar selection and tracking set, etc whack it all the way down to -25 or whatever the target temp is. I believe its good practice to warm up slowly too where possible. The only few times I've ever had any frosting issues I had usually had the camera open AND slammed it straight down to -25 without a pause. QSI guys are going to know best about your beast though of course.
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