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Old 23-05-2011, 09:27 PM
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multiweb (Marc)
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Originally Posted by bmitchell82 View Post
the only difference i can see with the different programs is how they calculate the mean and the others values needed to get your off set and gain values. I cant see how the ascom driver will vary the off set and gain from program to program based on the the program used that defeats the whole premis of ascom. I could be compleatly wrong though as i am not an expert in it but if you can explain to me how its changing that would be good to expand my knowledge.
In the past I have used CCDcap, Nebulosity, Maxim to capture, before settling down for Neb2. What I mean is that if you set Gain X, Offset Y in any of those programs it might not match and give you the same pedestal / background ADU. Neb2 and CCD cap where out by a lot I recall. Maxim seems to increase the gain more than Neb2 when you move from 1 to 10 for instance, in a less linear fashion. I don't know if it's each software doing its thing or if it is the various different drivers needed to interface the camera with each software. That's why I'm saying if Gain1/Offset 60 works fine in Neb 2 and gives me 950ADU in skycount it won't in Maxim and vice versa. So the bottom line is Gain/Offset settings are not set in stone. They will vary depending on the capture software.
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