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Old 19-10-2010, 01:58 PM
Gas Giant (Andrew)
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Gas Giant is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Wollongong
Posts: 41
Hi All.
I don't post very often, as you can see by my post count; but seeing the reopening of this thread yesterday got me kick started to make sure I give myself a chance to see this eclipse. So I got onto the web and booked myself and family a holiday in Cairns from 11-19 Nov 2012.

The first resort I tried was already booked out for some of that time and I thought I might have missed out as eclipse chasers have been known to book out regions well in advance; but the next one I tried took my deposit no problems. So I'm booked
As the time draws closer we'll undoubtedly be talking about it in some detail - and I hope to meet you there

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